Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Can We Do To Prevent Homelessness?

Sometimes there is nothing to prepare you to become a homelessness person.  That is something that you would never think that would happen to you.  You could have the best paying job that you have been working for years.  Providing everything that you need for you and your family, in the blink of an eye you could be laid off or the company may go under.  What do you do?  You may have money in your saving, a 401K, and the company may give you a severance package.  How long will that last?  You don’t have any other income coming in and before you know it you are broke.  It would be great if you could find another job, but looking at the statistics of today’s job market people are not hiring.
            We need to involve the local government.  Usually the homeless qualify for various kind of assistance.  Public agencies need to be involved in coordinating services and referring clients to homeless programs.
            Programs should be developed to place families and independent adults in permanent housing as soon as possible.  Transitional housing will provide a temporary place to live for one or two years while you wait for permanent housing.  Services provided while in transitional housing include, job training, education, homeownership, and employment counseling, which can be very successful.  Those homeless wit severe substance abuse or metal health issues will be housed in supportive housing.  Supportive housing provides treatment for the mentally ill and substance abusers.  Supportive housing is crucial as about half of all homeless adults have problems with alcohol and one third with other drugs.
            Sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent becoming homeless, but there are resources that can help you while you are going through it.
            I have a cousin who is homeless.  His family has tried to talk to him letting him know of the resources available to help him.  Not only is he without a home he also has health problems. You cannot beat a dead horse.  He has to want to help himself.

Thriving neighborhoods preventing homelessness in America (2003). Solutions for America News. Retrieved October 21, 2010 from

How Can You Help the Homeless Without Spending a Dime?

I have helped the homeless.  I am a behind the scenes person.  I have donated clothes and shoes to charities that help homeless people. It’s almost that time of year.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner and shelters are going to need help preparing that delicious turkey dinner. During the holidays I cook and serve meals at local churches.  I am a member of St Peter Baptist Church.  I have donated suites and coats to the Trinity Baptist Church Clothes Rack.

Sometimes it doesn’t cost you money to help homeless people in need.  It can be hard to give to a charity when you are not making much money yourself.  A lot of people can’t afford to share their earnings without jeopardizing their own living situation.  You don’t always have to donate money to help people who are less fortunate.  Instead, you can donate your time, knowledge, connections, and skills to the homeless.

Help homeless people fill out job applications and resumes.  Many homeless people have great job skills, but have a hard time presenting themselves to employers.  You can help them with their physical presentation such as clothing and grooming.

Donate your time at a homeless shelter.  There are many things that you can do.  You don’t always have to deal with the homeless directly.  There are so many behind the scene jobs that you can do.  You could help prepare food, mop, sweep, do dishes or any other tasks as needed.

Help the homeless find helpful resources in the area.  With everyone using computers today, you could help by going on the internet and research the government services available for poor and homeless people.  Print this information out and have it available for people looking for help.

Teaching homeless people how to read and write or to read and write better will help them when trying to take advantage of opportunities.

Share yourself and make a difference in the lives of homeless people.

Kylyssa, (2010) How you can help the homeless without spending a dime? Retrieved October 20, 2010, fromhtpp:// /help-the-homeless-for-free.